Unsere Beratung
Wir beraten Sie individuell und unabhängig. Möglich ist dies - nach Terminvereinbarung - in einer unserer Beratungsstellen, telefonisch oder per Video.
Zu vielen Themen, etwa Kauf-, Dienstleistungs- und Energielieferverträgen, Reiserecht und Energiesparen bieten wir Ihnen eine kostenfreie Telefonberatung OHNE TERMIN an.
Unsere Energieberatung finden Sie in zahlreichen Stützpunkten zusätzlich zu den oben genannten Beratungsstellen.
Dear consumer,
thank you for trusting us with your situation. Please note that we only offer our services in German.
In case you don’t speak or understand German well enough you will have to bring an interpreter with you. If that is fine with you, please ask your interpreter to make an appointment for you. You can reach us online or by phone at: 0511 911 96-0. Service times: Monday 10 am to 5 pm, Tuesday to Thursday 9 am to 5 pm, Friday 10 am to 2 pm.
If you don’t know an interpreter, you may contact one of the migration advice offices near you. Maybe they can help to find someone for you. The government of the county of Lower Saxony offers a list of migration advice offices (pdf). We cannot give advice in all matters. In those cases, we try to find another organization or authority that better suits your situation.